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Why Is My Succulent Growing So Tall?

23 de februar de 2024

We love succulents. They’re easy to take care of, forgiving for those of us not blessed with a green thumb, and absolutely adorable in any part of your home. They’re versatile with the ability to survive indoor and outdoor weather no matter how dry or hot it gets. They’re great on their own or together in a container garden. You’ll be hard pressed to find a person who doesn’t gush over how pretty, and easy, these little plants are to keep in your home.

However, people don’t tell you that you may start to see your succulent’s shape change. If you’ve noticed your succulent growing tall, here’s a little bit about why.

Why It’s Happening

When succulents start to grow a longer stem with paler and less condensed leaves it is known as etiolation. Etiolation is most commonly caused by lack of sufficient sunlight to the plant, which in turn produces a change in the shape, color, and growth of your plant. This happens most often with indoor succulents, since they are not in direct sunlight for very long, but it can happen to any succulent.

How To Fix Succulent Stretching

While it isn’t possible to return your leggy plant to its once compact nature, there are ways to mitigate its growth. First, try to introduce more light into its daily routine. This will prevent your succulent from stretching further.

The best way to do this is to try and «recorrect» the growth is to prune your plants. You’ll want to take a sharp pair of shears and cut right above a set of leaves. The exact location will depend on what type of succulent you own. You’ll want to leave enough healthy leaves on the plant so that it can continue to photosynthesize and stay alive. This will remove a lot of the unwanted, leggy growth without harming the existing plant. It also allows you to grow a new, healthy plant from the clippings, which is a bonus! After you’ve clipped your succulent, you’ll want to let the piece dry completely in a well-lit area so a callus can form over the raw end. This usually takes 2 to 3 days. You can then transfer the clipping directly to soil and watch it develop and grow roots over time.

You can use what you’ve learned about etiolation and how to prevent it for these new clippings and the freshly cut succulent, so as to not repeat the same growth pattern.

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